Randomized Out of Sample

First, what is out of sample testing? Out of sample testing is purposely withholding data from your data set for later testing. For example, let’s say we have ten years worth of data and select to designate the last 30% of the data as out of sample data. Essentially what we do is take the last 3 years (30%) of the data set and put it in our back pocket for later use. We then proceed to create trading strategies using ONLY the first 7 years of data or the “in-sample” data. BuildAlpha : Let’s assume we find a great looking strategy that performs extremely well on the first 7 years worth of data. What we would then do is take the last 3 years worth of data, or our out of sample data, out of our back pocket and proceed to test our strategy on this “unseen” data. The idea is… if the strategy still performs well on this unseen, out of sample data then it must be robust and we can have increased confidence it will stand the test of time or at least in how it will perf...