Randomized Out of Sample
First, what is out of sample testing? Out
of sample testing is purposely withholding data from your data set for
later testing. For example, let’s say we have ten years worth of data
and select to designate the last 30% of the data as out of sample data.
Essentially what we do is take the last 3 years (30%) of the data set
and put it in our back pocket for later use. We then proceed to create
trading strategies using ONLY the first 7 years of data or the
“in-sample” data.
Let’s assume we find a great looking strategy that performs extremely
well on the first 7 years worth of data. What we would then do is take
the last 3 years worth of data, or our out of sample data, out of our
back pocket and proceed to test our strategy on this “unseen” data.
The idea is… if the strategy still
performs well on this unseen, out of sample data then it must be robust
and we can have increased confidence it will stand the test of time or
at least in how it will perform on future market data.
However, there is a major pitfall to this
approach given certain data sets. What if our amazing looking strategy
happened to be long only and only performed well on our unseen, out of
sample data because the last 3 years (our 30%) were extremely bullish.
See picture below (red marks last 30% of data):

What’s a solution? What if we use the
first 30% of the data instead of the last 30%? What if we use some
middle 30% of the data? Well, we actually still run the risk that any
continuous 30% of the data may be extremely trendy. Here is a photo
showing a strong trend in the beginning 30% of a data set.

The answer? Let’s take our original
backtest results and run them through a randomized out of sample test.
First we randomly select dates until we have randomly selected 30% of
the dates from our data. Now we have a “randomized out of sample” period
to put in our back pocket. Basically, we will then run through our
entire data set but filter out any trades that would have occurred on
our now randomly selected, out of sample dates.
Then we can view the results of the
trades that only took place on our randomly selected out of sample dates
as a new “quasi-out of sample” equity curve. We’ve now significantly
reduced the chances that any successful out of sample performance is
solely due to some underlying trend or market regime as our out of
sample data is now no longer continuous. Here is an example of random
30% of data selected for out of sample.

However, one more problem remains. What
if we randomly created a trend or favorable market regime through our
random sampling/selection? That is, we’ve randomly selected 30% of the
dates and when they’re put in chronological order for our out of sample
testing they coincidentally create a massive up trend that could skew
our new out of sample results?
The answer? Run this test 1,000 times
where we re-select a random 30% of the dates each time to act as our out
of sample period. Some may create a favorable market regime, but we can
see how our sample strategy does over a variety of randomly created
regimes or out of sample periods.
Build Alpha Solution:
offers this complete process and test with the click of a button. The
leftmost graph below is the in-sample equity curves from the 1,000 runs.
These are basically trades that occurred on dates that were NOT
randomly selected to be part of the out of sample period. The middle
chart is our randomized out of sample test. These are the equity curves
from the 1,000 runs of the trades that occurred on the dates that were
randomly selected. The thick blue line on the left and middle graph are
the in and out of sample tests from our original back-test. The
rightmost chart is simply the original back-test.
The example below shows our original
backtest’s out of sample equity curve to be at the very top of the
distribution of all the random out of sample tests (middle chart below).
This is a sign that the underlying data contributed quite favorably to
our results and may have produced unrealistic or unrepeatable out of
sample results (most likely something like the first picture of this
post where the last 30% of the data is considerably bullish).

In the picture below I’ve displayed a
simple demonstration that would show a “passing” random out of sample
test or a situation where you can feel comfortable the original out of
sample period is a “fair” period of time. The middle graph’s thick blue
line (our original out of sample results) is in the middle of the random
out of sample distribution. This means as we randomly selected random
out of sample periods we created some out of sample equity curves that
had better results than our original backtest and some that had worse
results than our original backtest. This can only mean that our original
out of sample period was “fair” and did not overly contribute to the
favorable results, but rather the favorable results come from the
strategy itself.

Some Takeaways:
We know we want to test on “unseen” data,
but also want to reduce the chances that an underlying trend produced
favorable out of sample results. In order to avoid being fooled by a
favorable out of sample period, we randomly create thousands of out of
sample periods and want to see general profitability across them all.
If the original backtest’s out of sample
line is significantly greater than all the randomized out of sample
equity curves then we can conclude we had originally selected an overly
optimistic out of sample period that contributed too greatly to our
strategy’s out of sample success (similar to the first photo in this
Additionally, if our original backtest’s
out of sample line is one of the worst performers compared with the
randomized out of sample equity curves then we can conclude the original
out of sample period chosen may actually be too unfavorable (and
throwing the strategy away based on out of sample results alone may be
All in all, Randomized Out of Sample testing is just one more test Build Alpha offers to provide the utmost confidence a strategy will perform to expectation moving forward.
Originally Posted: https://www.buildalpha.com/randomized-out-of-sample/
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